Polish women have been coming to New York for centuries, and each one brings a unique story about the courage and determination it took to leave their home country and embrace a new life.
This project will chronicle the stories of brave women who left Poland and moved to New York. Interviews will explore why they left and the adjustments they have made, as well as how they have built new relationships in their new home.
Through the experiences of these Polish women, we hope that you can gain insight into their hardships and achievements, and motivate you to make positive changes in your life.
I want to empower women to follow their inner voice, use their potential, and make changes to their lives.
Anna— Creator & Producer
What is about
Our Strength.
To empower women and encourage them to listen to their inner voice that tells them that they can do anything they set their minds on. To convince them that they can use their potential to the fullest without being afraid of making changes to their lives.